Capture the Flag
Prizes will be awarded for the three top ranking participants.
In order to participate you must attend in-person and use the Wi-Fi available at the event. You must also bring a laptop with a compatible and up-to-date web browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge).
Larger displays are beneficial, but not required. All gameplay will take place within the web browser. All necessary tools will be provided as part of the virtualized environment. You may conduct Internet research and import text scripts/code while using your local machine.
The CTF will include multiple unique challenge types, including traditional host and network enumeration and exploitation, Android application analysis, and website enumeration. Each CTF challenge has multiple parts that can award points for partial or full credit. Players may attempt and complete as many of the three challenges as possible within the time limit. The highest total score at the end of the event wins. Elapsed time will be used as a tiebreaker.