BSidesPGH 2025 is accepting speaker proposals until April 15th via Sessionize!
Share something you’re great at, getting started with, or want to share your experiences about. Finding ‘The Next Big Thing’ takes all kinds, so that means you. Yes YOU, the person reading this! If you aren’t sure if you should submit, let us help you get your start!
We’re also looking for folks interested in mentoring new speakers. If that’s you, email and we’ll work on pairing you with a first time speaker.
Session Guidelines:
Talks must be a 20 minute lightning talk or a 45 minute presentation.
If a talk could be either length, propose it as a 45 minute session with information on how it could be shortened to 20 minutes.
Any Q&A must happen within the assigned time.
No Vendor Pitches.
All speakers and sessions must adhere to our Code of Conduct.
Submitter Expectations:
All Submitters (whether selected or not) will be notified if they have been selected to speak at least 2 months before the event.
Accepted speakers will receive a complimentary pass to the event.
Honorariums and travel expenses are not provided to speakers.
Proposal Guidelines:
Applicants may propose up to 3 talks.
Provide detailed outlines covering:
Session topics and flow,
Presentation depth,
Presentation timings, and
Audience Takeaways
DON’T include identifying information in the proposal or notes section.
This allows anonomity during the review process.
Selection Process:
Proposal evaluations occur without knowledge of the speaker.
Evaluations will consider several factors, including Topic Uniqueness, Topic Timeliness, Value to the Community, and Proposal Detail.
Reviews will conclude a few weeks after the Call for Speakers is closed.
Good Luck and remember our voting is anonymous, so please do NOT put any identifying info in the talk descriptions!
For Questions: